House Church echos

All through history God has preserved and encouraged faithful people. The organic presence and growth of the first century Churches of God did not manifest in great cathedrals or elaborate liturgy, but in a variety of simple, family, house churches scattered throughout the known world!

The apostles of yesteryear would marvel at the communication and collaboration between the churches of today. Big churches. Small churches. Worship in hundreds of languages and dialects. And size doesn’t matter either, for if grace and truth exist in a fellowship, there you’ll find Jesus.

The four most recent sermons echo, via media streaming on this website, from a small House Church in the world’s most isolated capital city: Perth, Western Australia. If the messages sound familiar to you, it’s probably because you have a heart for words of Jesus: His Word personified, His written Word, and His Word emboldened on your heart.

john2015thumbaaaYours for Grace and Truth,

John Klassek

Author: John Classic

Pastor, IT Support, Film producer for MessageWeek Ministries