War is Here

Reflecting on the recent coronavirus pandemic, recalling the lockdowns, fear-mongering, Chinese culpability and the general eroding of democratic freedom, the question arises as to what lies just ahead! Did this pestilence resemble one of the prophetic horsemen of the Apocalypse? Is there another metaphoric horseman about to ride?

There is reasonably good evidence to believe that we are on the precipice of drastic change. Where are we now on the doomsday clock? Is it now only one second to midnight? Is the long-awaited bridegroom coming? Are his wedding guests awake and ready?

Of course, these questions in themselves are just metaphors of a much greater scenario. As much as the term “Armageddon” is a metaphor for the last, climatic battle between evil and good, we would still do well to listen carefully to what is happening on our watch. The prophets spoke of it with great urgency. Jesus gave deeper insights as to what it would look like, then and now. Additionally, today, the Holy Spirit tells us of those “things yet to come.”

Against all the precedents of history, a homeland for the Jewish people was formed in 1948. Many in the diaspora returned to make new, innovative, and vision-driven lives. The “times of the Gentiles” spoken of in scripture had finally been fulfilled. All this and more are a precursor to the end times, as prophesied in the book of Daniel, when “many would run to and fro, and when knowledge would increase.”

The wars in 1967 and 1973 against Israel were surprisingly short, given the huge odds against them. Few can adequately explain the logistical victory by the Israelis when faced by numerous Arab armies. Today, we are again back in the battle field. At almost 200 days of war since the Hamas massacre on October 7th 2023, the battle lines are being drawn between Iran and its proxies, and Israel and its ailing allies. Chinese and Russian warships have quietly positioned themselves in strategic waters around the Middle East, as have American and European vessels before them. New players, such as Hezbollah and the Houthis are dangerously wont to fire their missiles creating havoc and uncertainty. And as of this week, Iran is promising retaliatory strikes against Israel, matching their tiring rhetoric of destroying both Israel and the USA.

Why might this be of concern to you and me? Why should we care? Simply because in the prophetic insights, the city of Jerusalem sits tenuously at the centre of the Biblical narrative. It is the city of the Great King. The gospel message emanated from there. And Jesus apparently will visibly return to Jerusalem. It is the “cup of trembling for all nations” as spoken by ancient seers, including Jeremiah and Zechariah.

Now, the speculation is rife that Iran may attack Israel within the next 48 hours. Anticipation it is, with many would-be modern prophets and political analysists having a feast amidst tantalising titbits of verified and unverified information to keep the armchair netzines glued to their screens. The first casualty of war, of course, is truth! Others, in contrast, simply ignore the bodes of war and immerse themselves in the distraction of entertainment, the world of sport, and even their work.

War is coming. Will t end in annihilation? Absolutely not. At the darkest point, another and final trumpet will herald the promised coming and revealing of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amidst glory, resurrection, and the promised cup of consummation, Jesus’ words as recorded in the Book of Revelation tells us not only “of things to come,” but warns us through the coming days to light our lamps and listen carefully to what the Spirit of God says.

John Classic
By John Classic

The Rise of Islam

Theres no disputing it. Islam is on the rise. And the face were seeing, but trying not to believe, is an ugly one. One written in anger and in blood, in ominous moon andblack flags, slavery and conquest.

So why now? What has held the forces of Islam in check since four centuries ago, when they had advanced beyond the gates of Vienna and were beaten back that their desire to conquer the world with their own brand of government, religion and ethics is finally gaining momentum?

Its a good question, and one that probably has its roots in the strength and ethics of our formerly Christian-rooted societies. Our grandparents grew up in a West that was distinctly flavoured by the Bible. “Love thy neighbour” was an undisputed truism. But today, are we not, more proud of our “secular society” than of our heritage? And therein lies the heart of the issue.

Have we not lost our moral compass, evidenced by the social issues that are on the agenda today? For example, our grandparents would shudder to know how were bent on embracing homosexual marriage. They would weep over the shocking abortion statistics. And they would groan that we teach our children “evolutionary” garbage while conspicuously abandoning any reference to God and faith values.

So, where are we headed? In a years time from now, how will we see 2015? More bloodshed? Heightened terror alerts? Stronger Islamic aggression, near and far? Will our military efforts to stop Islamic extremism and expansion fail? Will indecisive foreign policy, in hindsight, have been grossly inadequate?

Democracy has the potential to collapse, the signs of which are already apparent in Europe, where large immigrant families (of Islamic origins) are outnumbering generally low western birth rates. So given enough time, Sharia law quite easily could be democratically voted in. And should that happen, Islams rise to world domination would be unstoppable.

Imagine seeing a strong and capable military leader emerge, and with him a powerful and charismatic religious imam some call him the Mahdi. Its nothard then to imagine the widespread and “legal” beheading of innocents whose only sin is to deny the validity of Mohammed.

With eyes on the comparatively small state of Israel eventually becoming militarily overrun by its larger neighbours; when the missiles and rockets are let loose, it might be hard not to think that what is called Armageddon is upon us.

The irony is that we cant say we werent warned.

Did you know that the Bible (the same book our grandparents read) warns about just that kind of scenario, a time of world domination by a ruthless and brutal world leader edged on by his “religious” counterpart? A time of intense solar activity leading to global warming? That a third of mankind is brutally killed? And, did you know that unless divine intervention occurred (thats what Jesus taught), humanity would utterly destroy itself?

Jesus spoke about a coming conflagration on earth that has never happened before, nor He said will ever happen again. Jesus stated that He is coming again this time on a rescue mission and this time claiming Kingship.

Of course, the incumbent leaders wont go without a battle. Can you imagine that day?

Most people today hardly think about Jesus, let alone His coming. Do you? Do you believe that our only hope in this age, in any age for that matter, is the saving work of Jesus Christ?

It was Christian ethics and morality that has held Islam in check now for almost 1300 years (just read the annals of history). And it is Christ who will bring Islam to an end there is no other way, for secularism is already falling prey to its terrible power.

John Klassek

Written by John Klassek