Your free copy of Hope of the Resurrection

Perhaps the three greatest questions we could ever ask are:

  • Does God exist?
  • Why was I born?
  • Is there any reason to believe in hope beyond this life?

It’s the sort of question we just can’t escape. Most of the time we simply put it out of our minds. But being dismissive won’t resolve it. To that end we’d like to give you a free book that specifically addresses the last question. Is there any hope, any reason to believe in a great purpose in life?

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Now in its third edition, Hope of the Resurrection explores perhaps those important questions, and focuses on the hope beyond this life.

Order your free copy online now, and we’ll get it in the post to you.

You may also download Hope of the Resurrection in eBook PDF format. No cost. No follow up. Our gift to you.

John KlassekWritten by Western Australian author and Church of God (Seventh Day) elder, John T Klassek

3rd edition, 154 pages, paperback, free

Why I wrote my book

Occasionally I am asked the reasons why I wrote “Hope of the Resurrection”. Others enquire in particular about the nuances of the second resurrection.

The scriptures are quite clear about those who reject Christ, in Jesus’ day and in ours. (I had originally intended, with the editing of the 3rd edition, to write an entire chapter about hell, but decided that there was already sufficient in the book about this subject. Besides, an entire chapter on hell somewhat detracts from the overall “hope” value).

bookcover2014I trust that my book “Hope of the Resurrection” does not make any claims or implications that can be construed as un-Biblical. I do not believe in second-chance theology. Thanks for the opportunity to clarify this. Perhaps in a future edition and printing, I will continue to further develop any passages that may not be as clear as they ought. Thanks for your grace in this.

We can take some comfort in Paul’s statement that, “we only know in part and therefore preach in part” [my paraphrase]. (1 Corinthians 13:9)

With regard to any possible hope outcome in the second resurrection, I like the dichotomy of “near-certainty versus mere possibility”. Many of us are somewhere between the two. On the other end of the spectrum, however, are those who believe in total annihilation of all at the second resurrection, regardless of whether they’ve ever heard the truth or not. This view is somewhat hard to reconcile with the Biblical text that discusses righteous judgment. (John 5:30) It is also hard to reconcile with a loving, merciful God who paid in total the sins of this world.

Thus, I believe there can be a range of “peripheral” understandings of what many regard as somewhat “unclear”. This is where our patience and grace ought to come to the fore. Please note that I always refrain from preaching about these “peripheral” things from the pulpit – knowing that in the fullness of time we’ll all understand!

I felt inspired to write “Hope of the Resurrection” after visiting several Christian bookstores, and seeing numerous titles, such as “To Heaven and Back”, “Ninety Minutes in Heaven”, and “Heaven is for Real”. Conspicuous by its absence, I found that there were no equal books that discussed the resurrection hope in Christ. (I have since discovered NT Wright’s book “Surprised by Hope” that also emphasises a Biblical resurrection hope). But, largely, books on Heaven vastly outnumber those on Resurrection.

My book’s original intended audience was simply for the “man on the street” – folk who may have casually heard about God, and who may be seeking answers following the loss of a loved one. The book has already been read by many thousands of people since it was first published in 2010, and I am delighted to constantly receive very positive responses from people whose lives have been significantly helped.


John Klassek


Third edition

This week we took delivery of 5000 copies of the third edition of my book Hope of the Resurrection.

With a completely new cover, an additional new closing chapter, and hundreds of edits and revisions, we’re looking forward to continuing sharing the best news we could ever hear.

As funds allow, we’re planning on advertising in a variety of newspapers and journals. The advert we’ve developed is simple, clean and gives a short introduction to the book.

While working on this edition, several people suggested that perhaps it’s time to leave this book alone, and write a completely new book. However, I am glad to have persisted.

I received the following encouragement in an email earlier this week:

My point of all this: I see a great parallel to John’s motivation to write the book.

  • Only a MINORITY understands the 2nd resurrection
  • This truth has been held CHAINED for far too long
  • It needs to be set free - it’s time to SPEAK UP in whatever way or language
  • So that it may be PRESERVED and passed on to the next generation… by word or by film!

Keep on (re)writing this theme, John

If you would like an updated copy, or know of someone who would benefit from “the warm and hope-filled words of Jesus”, simply write, email, call or complete our online request, and we’ll post a copy to you straight away.


Signposts Of Our Times

We all want to live in safe and peaceful times. But, do we today?

The past 70 years since World War 2 should have taught us that the price of freedom has been paid in blood. And yet since then we have seen more bloodshed with more lives lost – the statistics are simply overwhelming. We’ve watched the development of frightening nuclear armaments coupled with failed United Nations resolutions. Anyone who seriously considers where we are today cannot help but wonder where we’re headed!

Do far off economic uncertainties and radical Islamic threats to destroy other nations in a blazing fireball all seem a bit irrelevant? It’s all a matter of perspective. A million starving people in Sudan is less important than our favourite sporting team losing a game.

Is it possible, that despite the best of human intentions, we’re living dangerously on the precipice of a nuclear hell? Have you ever wondered about increasing economic upheaval, terrorism, ongoing uprisings, famines and earthquakes, disease epidemics, all overshadowed by the spectre of nuclear war? Can we afford to ignore these trends? Surely we in the prosperous West wouldn’t distract ourselves from those realities by more personal spending and superfluous living? Or reserve our attention for sporting heros and movie celebrities?

Ever since the dawn of recorded history, our world has been characterised by its epochs of bloodshed. Many thought the Roman conquests were the epitome of brutality and suffering, exceeding that of the Babylonians, Persians and Greeks before them. Entire populations were decimated. History clearly documents that. Then there were the Dark Ages, with disease and war affecting millions of people. In more recent times, two world wars destroyed over 60,000,000 lives. Somehow, humanity has survived until now.

Are we able to read the signposts of our times? While “God” matters little in the West today, Islam’s agenda is guided by its theology, and the news is deeply disturbing. Thankfully, there are clear pointers that should help us if we’re willing to listen.

Let’s go back some 2000 years ago when an itinerant visitor known as Jesus left us with warnings of approaching cataclysmic times. His claim was that he was the Son of God, and He told those around him who enquired of the future that unless divine intervention occurred, no human would survive. (Matthew 24:21-22) Either he was wrong about the past, or He was referring to a future we’re yet to see!

Our planet could easily become a charred, irradiated ember, and like the rest of the universe, be inhospitable to sustaining life.

But that’s not how the story ends. There is good news. Jesus said that he’s coming again. He is coming again because he has unfinished business – His timely arrival will save us from ourselves.

There’s a solitary bronze statue outside the United Nations building in New York. It was given to the UN by the Soviet Union in 1959, and it depicts a world beyond this time of trouble. The statue is modelled from the words that come from an ancient prophet through whom God spoke:

They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. (Isaiah 2:4)

Peaceful and safe times are ahead, but there is a rough road between now and then. The question is whether we’re awake as to what is really going on? Are we prepared to believe the words of Jesus?


By John T Klassek


Is Seeing Believing?

 We had almost finished dinner at the restaurant when a man in a black suit approached us and asked whether he could perform a few magic tricks for us. I politely thanked him and said that the meal itself had been sufficiently “magic” and that we didn’t require anything beyond that.

He then quite happily made his way to the next table, and I couldn’t help but to curiously watch him ply his tricks there. And what he did was quite amazing. He threw a red ball high into the air and it simply disappeared! The look of surprise and fascination was evident on everyone seated at that table.

“Is seeing believing?” I wondered.

A friend of mine once lamented that he never had seen any miracles in his life. By this I think he implied that our belief in what really matters might be enhanced a little by being witness to some supernatural acts. Here the Bible certainly lays claim to dozens of such events. For example, we read of an axe head floating on water, oil from an empty jar, fire from heaven, seas parted, and people healed as well as resurrected from the dead. It’s easy to think that our lives today are quite mundane when compared to the heroics of the past – I certainly haven’t seen anyone turn water into wine!

It’s easy to sometimes think that if only I could see a miracle, an irrefutable act of divine intervention – that cannot be adequately explained by any physical, natural laws – my faith would be strengthened. If only.

Well, consider, didn’t the magician do just that? He really had me fooled when he apparently made a coin disappear into his arm. Everyone gasped when he made a white dove appear out of thin air.

I left the restaurant wondering how he did his tricks. Of course, I knew they were just tricks, but still wondered how his sleight of hand had so easily fooled me.

Did you know that Jesus told a story that illustrated that even the most awe inspiring of miracles are still insufficient to convince an unbelieving heart? A rich man stated his opinion that if someone were to rise from the dead, then his five unbelieving brothers would be convinced to change from their evil ways. The rich man, however, was told quite bluntly that his brothers should instead be listening to the words of Godly teachers: “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.” (Luke 16:31 NKJV)

According to Jesus, the emphasis on attaining a strong and enduring faith is based more on hearing than on seeing or experiencing.

So how do we make sense of all this? There are ample scriptures in the Bible that direct us toward finding a strong and true basis for our beliefs. For example, we read that, “Faith comes by hearing the words of God.” (Romans 10:17) The emphasis in this verse is on hearing (as opposed to seeing).

Jesus distinctly appealed to our capacity to listen, as recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, when he said, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

This overture is further supported in God’s appeal to us when he says, “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: Today, if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…” (Hebrews 3:7-8)

So, is there any place for the visual/experiential? An interesting “out of this world” experience occurred when Jesus took his closest disciples, Peter, John and James, high up a mountain. He then became “transfigured” before them, shining like the sun. In this vision talking together with Jesus were Moses and Elijah. Before the disciples could get a grip on what this experience meant, a cloud enveloped them and a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5)

The disciples were no doubt amazed by this immersing visual and auditory experience, and yet the voice that spoke to the disciples distinctly told them to, “Listen to Jesus.”

According to the scriptures, faith and understanding are obtained and established more by hearing than via a visual one. God wants us to be persuaded of his existence and of his purpose more by hearing his word as opposed to seeing certain manifestations.

A couple of real life examples here may help. Remember, God told Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden not to touch or eat of a certain tree. That is what God simply said. Notice then how Satan used visual appeal to deceive Eve:

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. (Genesis 3:6)

Satan used the same ploy, thousands of years later, when he tried to tempt Jesus. He showed Jesus stones and suggested he turn them into bread. Jesus, however, resisted only on the strength of God’s word: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

Satan then “showed” Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth, a temptation embellished by a dizzying, heightened experience, to which Jesus again responded: “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve.” (Matthew 4:10)

Satan certainly knows how to utilise our visual references to completely fool us. One of Jesus’ disciples John warned about the “lust of the eyes” (1 John 2:16) – the risk of placing undue emphasis on physical and naturally desirable “things”.

Knowing and understanding comes from hearing. Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27) An intelligent, cognisant relationship with Jesus is not based just on visual experience alone, but more on hearing, listening and the weighing up of those words.

God appealed to an ancient people who, not unlike ourselves, still unduly cherished and valued materialism over the value of really listening:

“Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with you…” (Isaiah 55:2-3)

A friend recently sent me a cartoon that skilfully illustrated the challenge we face in today’s climate of multimedia clamour.

The question then remains, do we know what it is to really “listen”?

How much peace and quiet exists in your busy, multimedia enhanced days? Have you ever switched off the radio or television, put away the headphones, and just sat on the verandah and enjoyed the setting sun with nothing more than the song birds in the trees? Have you ever allowed yourself total silence – where you are comfortable with your own thoughts and meditations?

A recent article that appeared on ABC online titled, “On The Seventh Day He Logged Off“, espoused the benefits of having a regular digital sabbatical – of being free from social networks, calendar appointments and the latest tweets. Is there always a radio in your ears or an LCD screen before your eyes?

Do you really want to find and know God? The secret then is in “listening” for him. Take quiet time every day. Learn to pray to him. God will listen to you.

A blind man who had just been healed by Jesus said: “Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshipper of God and does His will, He hears him.” (John 9:31)

John also wrote of the faith he placed in prayer: Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (1John 5:14)

Not only does God hear our prayers, but he also wants us to listen to him. Words are powerful. Apparently we’ll also be judged for every idle word we speak! (Matthew 12:36-37) James exhorts us: “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak…” (James 1:19)

There is, of course, a role for sight; scripture encourages us to view life through the “lens of faith”: So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV)

Of course, not everything we hear should be denied common sense scrutiny! The secret is in the “listening”, and knowing that our eyes fall prey too easily to deceit.

In one way, I’m glad we resisted the temptation of having the magician entertain our family at the restaurant. We all know that magicians have learned how to trick our minds into “seeing” what is really not there, and vice-versa. Apparently our brains process only ten percent of the information our eyes see, cleverly substituting what it intuitively already assumes to be true.

So, if you happen to meet a magician making red balls disappear into thin air, or pulling rabbits out of hats, or predicting the future with a pack of cards, count yourself lucky if he later confides in you that, “Looks are deceiving”. His words will be truer than his art.




Copyright (C) John T Klassek, 2011

Book promotion

We’re running a series of newspaper advertisements promoting our new book “Hope of the Resurrection”.

Over the past month we have had a remarkable launch to this exciting book, and the reviews we’ve received have been overwhelmingly positive.

We’re offering this book at no cost because we believe the gospel should never have a price tag. We also know that you’ll not only enjoy this book but probably be moved by it. It’s not the sort of subject we can ignore – because the news is so good.