I’m Free

Having founded MessageWeek film ministry some 18 years ago, I recently produced our 499th short gospel film. The question then arose: what short film might mark our 500th milestone? Fortunately, a greater providence was soon evident. When we were in Adelaide last weekend for the Australian Church of God (Seventh Day) Super Sabbath, pastor Phil asked me to film an item of special worship music. Accompanied by his daughter Louisa on keyboard, brother Carlo sang “I’m Free”. The song blessed and inspired everyone, lifting us to again remember the grace of God in Christ Jesus.

Despite being filmed on a rickety tripod, as well as footage from a hand-held mobile phone, the song was so inspiring that there was no question that this would become our 500th short gospel film. Thus, we hope and pray that “I’m Free”, as shared by brother Carlo, inspire and bless you and yours.


Everything we do, say and are becoming must reflect God’s glory and give glory to Him; worship is a way of life, lived through six days of labour and refreshingly highlighted on Sabbath rest. Worship is every thought brought into the subjection of Christ. Worship must be the foundation of every dream, the first response of our heart, and forms the basis of our community in Christ. In other words, God is highly esteemed. He created us, redeemed us from certain death, is moulding and shaping us, and for the faithful has promised us eternity.

John Klassek