Timely Advice

We have lived in a time of unprecedented wealth, peace and prosperity. The phenomenal rise of Western success, dominance and affluence is really quite unmatched historically. However, things aren’t as they seem anymore. Ask the man in the street, and he’ll probably agree that we live in a troubled world with terrorism high on the agenda, above disease, climate change and other concerns.

We must be prepared to openly admit the truth. We must find the strength of voice of love and impartiality to speak out against rising secularity and political correctness. Otherwise, we in the West will largely fail to understand and respond to perhaps the greatest threat the world has ever faced.

Islam is an unmistakable and brutal political force, driven by religious ideologies. Their stated will and ambition is to overtake the host nation, no matter how long it takes – be it through migration or direct assault. Are not the greatest migrations of peoples today Islamic in origin? There is plenty of shocking rhetoric and evidence, for example, that threatens to turn Buckingham Palace in London, UK, into a mosque. Thus Britain is now struggling with an identity crisis, as are other places elsewhere throughout Europe. Perhaps, God forbid, in a few years we’ll see “Euroarabia” – Europe under sharia law simply because the voting population is greater in numbers than the original inhabitants.

Don’t think it can happen in Australia, or anywhere else in the “free” world? Feel such comments are unnecessarily alarmist? Think we ought to be more politically sensitive?

Given the fact that our nations, including the USA, Britain, Canada, and New Zealand were founded on a Christian heritage and ethos, and given that by our own admission we here in Australia no longer see ourselves as a Christian country, the words of the God who in the first place blessed us ought to urgently resonate in our national conscience.

Some 3500 years ago, as recorded in Deuteronomy 28 (known as the blessings and curses chapter) the One we know as Jesus said:

Deuteronomy 28:15 GNB “But if you disobey the LORD your God and do not faithfully keep all his commands and laws that I am giving you today, all these evil things will happen to you: (33) A foreign nation will take all the crops that you have worked so hard to grow, while you receive nothing but constant oppression and harsh treatment. (36) The LORD will take you and your king away to a foreign land, where neither you nor your ancestors ever lived before; there you will serve gods made of wood and stone. (37) In the countries to which the LORD will scatter you, the people will be shocked at what has happened to you; they will make fun of you and ridicule you. (43) Foreigners who live in your land will gain more and more power, while you gradually lose yours. (44) They will have money to lend you, but you will have none to lend them. In the end they will be your rulers. (45) All these disasters will come on you, and they will be with you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the LORD your God and keep all the laws that he gave you. (49) The LORD will bring against you a nation from the ends of the earth, a nation whose language you do not know. They will swoop down on you like an eagle. (50) They will be ruthless and show no mercy to anyone, young or old. (51) They will eat your livestock and your crops, and you will starve to death. They will not leave you any grain, wine, olive oil, cattle, or sheep; and you will die. (52) They will attack every town in the land that the LORD your God is giving you, and the high, fortified walls in which you trust will fall.

Jesus is always right. History has a way of repeating itself. It’s called the natural law of “consequences”. Nations who turned their back on God ended up suffering catastrophic misfortune, before simply vanishing into the ignominious sands of history.

It’s time to wake up, change from our indifference towards God, and seek forgiveness, the results of which lead to healing and blessings abundant.

After all, Jesus also prefaced his warnings with powerful and encouraging motivation:

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 GNB If you obey the LORD your God and faithfully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, he will make you greater than any other nation on earth. (2) Obey the LORD your God and all these blessings will be yours: (7) The LORD will defeat your enemies when they attack you. They will attack from one direction, but they will run from you in all directions. (10) Then all the peoples on earth will see that the LORD has chosen you to be his own people, and they will be afraid of you. (13) The LORD your God will make you the leader among the nations and not a follower; you will always prosper and never fail if you obey faithfully all his commands that I am giving you today.

Prophets, pastors and preachers – please heed the call and stand up for Jesus. After all, it is His words alone that lead to true peace, power and prosperity.

John Klassek


Written by John Klassek

Author: John Classic

Pastor, IT Support, Film producer for MessageWeek Ministries